Snooper 3-Pack logo
(with Spoofer Bonus)


To install Snooper 3-Pack, upload file 3pack.php to your server. To use Snooper 3-Pack, type its URL into your browser.

File 3pack.php needs to be uploaded into a document directory, a directory where web pages can be accessed with a browser. If you wish to prevent others from using Snooper 3-Pack, upload file 3pack.php into a subdirectory and put directory password protection on it.

When Snooper 3-Pack is used, a cookie is set to remember your latest settings. The settings are then pre-filled in the control panel when you come back later to use the software.

Unless 3pack.php has been modified after being downloaded, the cookie name is "S3Pack" and it is set for 366 days.

If the cookie name conflicts with other cookies your server requires, or if you prefer the cookie's lifetime to be more or less than 366 days, those can both be changed at the top of file 3pack.php. The places are marked.

To use Snooper 3-Pack, type the URL of 3pack.php into your browser.

Using the Software

Type the URL of the Snooper 3-Pack software into your browser. (Set a bookmark, you may want frequent access to this tool.)

The rest is fairly intuitive. You'll find [?] links for instant help.

There must always be the URL of a web page for the snooper to work. If you're only interested in snooping for domain information, any URL of the domain will suffice.

Type the URL of any web page at a domain you want to snoop.

To send information with method GET or POST, check the appropriate radio button then type the information in the textarea box provided. The [?] link has relevant help.

About Information Sent With GET and POST

Any text information can be sent to the web page (or script) at the URL specified in the control panel.

This feature can be used for testing form handling software or the reponse from other web pages.

GET generally has a limit to the number of characters that will be transported. The limit depends on the server. It might be 256 or 1024 characters, or some other number.

POST may also have limits, but generally much larger than GET, perhaps many megabytes.

The Snooper 3-Pack control panel itself may have a limit of about 32k that can be submitted. Any limit would depend on the browser you're using, a self-imposed limit.

About Spoofing

If you type the URL of one of your own web pages into the control panel and spoof the referrer and/or the user-agent string, you'll see your spoofed information in your server logs.

The server doesn't know the difference.

I use a spoofer quite frequently when testing Internet software that alters its behavior depending on referrer or user-agent string. And I thought you might find a use for it, too.

A spoofer comes in handy when testing .htaccess lines that trigger depending on referrer or user-agent string. If you're blocking a certain robot, for example, you won't have to wait days or weeks to see whether or not your code is working. Instead, you can spoof the robot's user-agent string to test your code and know the results immediately.

Have fun with Snooper 3-Pack!

Copyright 2008 Bontrager Connection, LLC